Lulseged Belay Addis

Lulseged Belay Addis


Developing novel natural fibre reinforced polymer composites


Betreuer in Erlangen: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Aldo R. Boccaccini
This research focuses on development and characterization of false banana fiber reinforced polymer composites for nonstructural applications. False banana fiber, obtained from the pseudo stem of false banana plant (Musa Sepientum) which is endemic and indigenous to Ethiopia, is the byproduct of the common daily diet in the southern region of the country. In this study, fiber surface will be modified with different chemical reagents to improve the compatibility with the polymer matrix. Moreover, the effect of fiber surface treatment on the mechanical, thermal, flammability, and morphological properties of false banana fiber reinforced composites will be investigated. The project is carried out in collaboration with Dr. Zenamarkos Bantie, main supervisor at Bahir Dar University Institute of Technology, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, and it is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).