Jessica Borges Vilches

Jessica Borges Vilches

Gastdoktorandin (University of Concepcion, Chile)

Synthesis and characterization of biomaterials containing grape extracts for wound healing applications.


Betreuer in Erlangen: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Aldo R. Boccaccini

Betreuer in Chile: Prof. Dr. Katherina Fernández Elgueta

The development of effective functional systems for hemostasis is one of the most important challenges of modern medicine. Various polymer-based materials have shown high biocompatibility and suitable properties for hemostasis, among them chitosan and gelatin [1, 2]. In the context of materials for hemostatic applications, several authors have demonstrated that increasing surface charges is an effective strategy for interfacial stimulation [3]. Several materials have been used for this purpose. However, studies on the use of natural compounds incorporated in polymeric matrices for hemostasis are scarce. In this context, the incorporation of País grape extracts, high in proanthocyanidins (PAs), into scaffolds and electrospun nanofibers are proposed in this research. These natural extracts have beneficial physiological properties, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticarcinogenic, and antimicrobial activities [4], which suggest that they could also aid in the wound healing processes. Thus, the aim of the current project is to develop chitosan based scaffolds and PCL/gelatin electrospun fibers, incorporating País grape seed and skin extracts in both structures to produce biomaterials for wound healing applications. The developed materials will be analyzed in terms of their physicochemical and mechanical properties, morphological characteristics, antimicrobial activities, absorption capacity, clotting activity, and cytotoxicity. This research project is being carrying out as a collaboration between the Institute of Biomaterials at University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and the Biomaterials Laboratory of the University of Concepcion (Chile).

[1] Zheng L, Zhang S, Ying Z, Liu J, Zhou Y, Chen F. Engineering of Aerogel-Based Biomaterials for Biomedical Applications. Int J Nanomedicine 2020;15:2363–78.

[2] Pourshahrestani S, et al. Polymeric Hydrogel Systems as Emerging Biomaterial Platforms to Enable Hemostasis and Wound Healing, Adv. Healthcare Mater. 2020; 9:2000905.

[3] Quan K, Li G, Tao L, Xie Q, Yuan Q, Wang X. Diaminopropionic Acid Reinforced Graphene Sponge and Its Use for Hemostasis. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2016;8:7666–73.

[4] Locilento DA, Mercante LA, Andre RS, Mattoso LHC, Luna GLF, Brassolatti P, et al. Biocompatible and Biodegradable Electrospun Nanofibrous Membranes Loaded with Grape Seed Extract for Wound Dressing Application. Journal of Nanomaterials 2019;2019:e2472964.